STEM Innovation Labs

A system of innovation, if taught from an early age, helps students become aware of the applications of what they learn at school, develop a problem-solving aptitude, motivates them to focus more on the theoretical aspects of STEM, and makes them capable of making better career choices. That is exactly what our STEM lab does.


Our special focus remains with respect to improving learning outcomes at the govt. schools, as they generally have a huge “learning gap” vis-à-vis private schools. This gap has widened more so, because of Covid-19 pandemic imposed lockdown, which had a biased impact on the government schools. We have curated a STEM lab school curriculum, designed under the guidance and mentorship of experts, with 3 major aims.

  • Building CURIOSITY – By Introducing the students to the world of Robotics, Augmented and Virtual reality, 3D printers and STEM Kits and Boards. Out of a pool of experiments, curriculum mapped experiments are selected & given to students at the time, when a particular concept is being taught.

  • Instilling CREATIVITY– By encouraging children to become active learners and ensuring that they learn while having fun and by doing experiments on their own, as we believe that “rote learning needs to be replaced with experiential learning”.

  • Generating CAPACITY–  We’ve specially designed these experiments through our team of experts who have drawn from different disciplines. We even train the school teachers through our master trainers so as to maintain the sustainability and continuity of the initiative.


Now, innovation is no longer a sole preserve of private schools. With innovation labs, our govt. school children will get a level playing field and have a competitive edge. We believe not just in output but the outcomes and these Labs will give these children the best possible exposure!

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